Jesse Mann
Frank Collective
Visual Design
Web Design

Retail Personalization Index


Frank Collective



Scope of Work

Website Design / UX Strategy / Research / UI Design


Enterprise SaaS


UX Design Lead


The Retail Personalization Index (RPI) is Sailthru's annual report that grades how well retailers are executing on personalization. Sailthru wanted to turn this report into an engaging web experience, so they teamed up with Frank Collective. Our mission? Dig into what our audience cares about, find creative ways to present the data, and strategically showcase Sailthru's services and platform capabilities. By tapping into the audience's motivations, we aimed to enahnce the report's impact and boost its marketing potential. As the Lead UX Strategist and Designer, I worked closely with an account director, CCO, and visual designer to deliver UX, UI, and digital strategy. Our goal? Increase engagement, drive traffic, and ultimately, generate sales leads.


We delivered a best-in-class website for Sailthru to promote the Retail Personalization Index. After the project, the Sailthru team hit us back with some great news: engagement shot up, and qualified sales leads surged. The microsite now powers their annual RPI reports.

How strategy & design brought a dry research report to life.


The Retail Personalization Index was all numbers and no soul. Our challenge? Make the data pop, make it sticky, and find smart ways to market Sailthru, the brains behind the report, so the business could better connect with its audience and showcase its value.


We dug deep with user testing data, Google Analytics, and interviews with retail experts, stakeholders, and customers. Our goal? Get the insights we needed to drive both the design and marketing strategy for the RPI. We ended up delivering a site that wasn’t just educational, but also entertaining and relevant to what our users cared about.

One big insight? Visitors wanted context. The most clicked items from last year's RPI were all about how the index worked, what it measured, and why it mattered. So, we doubled down on that, packing the site with context, learnings, and bite-sized insights. This lined up perfectly with pushing the "Get my Personalization Score" quiz as the main homepage call-to-action. We swapped out the old “Schedule a Demo” CTA for a fresh “Take the Quiz” CTA.

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